Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Photos of Just Some of the Felons From Tatts' Birthday

As self appointed CEO I would like to welcome all the felons to our (FABULOUS) forensic felons blog. The Felons secretary and censor listened intently to comments made by Rabbit Barrett suggesting a yearbook to celebrate our time together in the past, in the present, and to keep in touch for our futures. As soon as I work out how to include all team members into the blog - I ask you to join, post as many blogs and comments as your heart desires, give photos, tell gossip, bitch and moan and all those things we do so well together. Go the felons.

P.S. Feel free to appoint yourself a role within our organisation - wasn't Joula the treasurer?????


Anonymous Anonymous said...

to quote Dekker (2005) (even though she was sometimes LYING!!!)
"can you believe we're single??????"

August 15, 2006 5:23 am  
Blogger Forensic Felons said...

Hahahahhaha I forgot about that quote! What a brilliant quote (don't mind that overwhelming arrogance).
ps who is mcfatty?

August 15, 2006 6:26 pm  

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