Anonymous Impassioned Speech
After doing about 15 pages from the law reading I got super agitated and bored. Surprisingly, I'm over it. So to procrastinate I googled and yahooed what Albert Einstein thought of reading and this is what I serendipitously found:
"Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking."
Albert Einstein
US (German-born) physicist (1879 - 1955)
And who am I to argue? Who are we to argue? Indeed, who is Prue Vines to argue? If we read too much, which undoubtedly would be the case were we to read the hectic, unconscionable (!), book Vines has assigned to our already, burdened and overwrought shoulders then our creativity will suffer. Our very imagination will shrivel. Imagining and creating is like jogging for the mind (not that I'm condoning physical exercise - ugh), it strengthens our cognitive capabilities. So by reading we are hindering this! Our minds will atrophy and soon we won't even be able to think! All that will pass through our minds will be legal drivel! Daily activities will fall by the wayside (wherever that is) as we forget how to think, and act. How will I make toast of a morning (as an aside I'm about to invest in a Hello Kitty toaster that imprints Hello Kitty's face on the toast)? How will I remember how to get to the pub (yes, straight after my toasty breakfast)?
O legal discipline and namely, Prue Vines - I beseech you - let me think, create, imagine...let me live!
Author - anonymous
"Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking."
Albert Einstein
US (German-born) physicist (1879 - 1955)
And who am I to argue? Who are we to argue? Indeed, who is Prue Vines to argue? If we read too much, which undoubtedly would be the case were we to read the hectic, unconscionable (!), book Vines has assigned to our already, burdened and overwrought shoulders then our creativity will suffer. Our very imagination will shrivel. Imagining and creating is like jogging for the mind (not that I'm condoning physical exercise - ugh), it strengthens our cognitive capabilities. So by reading we are hindering this! Our minds will atrophy and soon we won't even be able to think! All that will pass through our minds will be legal drivel! Daily activities will fall by the wayside (wherever that is) as we forget how to think, and act. How will I make toast of a morning (as an aside I'm about to invest in a Hello Kitty toaster that imprints Hello Kitty's face on the toast)? How will I remember how to get to the pub (yes, straight after my toasty breakfast)?
O legal discipline and namely, Prue Vines - I beseech you - let me think, create, imagine...let me live!
Author - anonymous
Wow, this must be a common affliction- as i sit here reading about punishment insensitivity in children, every once in a while i get the urge to wikipedia the cold war, the berlin wall, and gorbachev's mole (which is actually called a naevus flammeus, or a port wine stain). All along i have told myself that this will equip me with a broader education and a sense of my own history, ignoring the voice in the back of my head telling me that this superflous reading just keeps me from using my brain to coherently link punishment insensitivity and conscience development in one pithy sentence. Which the last one wasn't. Pithy, that is. Now that was pithy.
Anyway.. i was totally convinced that Mark was the author of the anonymous treatise on reading until i got to the Hello Kitty toaster part, and now I am not so sure. Though anything's possible.
Indeed anything is possible. Hey, on a tangent - do you think these word verifications are anagrams? Probably not. But unscrambling unscramable words is better than law readings.
and who's to say that I do not enjoy the random piece of toast with Hello Kitty's face stamped on it? Who conjures up the conception that I would not be enlivened by chowing down on a feline every morning?
Gorbachev's mole, although I give you props for your taste in modern hostorical interests, your chauvanism astounds me.
hey i am so totally cool with pink toasters and hello kitty and i think that they pose absolutely no threat to anyone's masculinity, especially yours, that guy. I was merely forced to reconsider the authorship a little cos i haven't really opened my mind to the possibility that you're a hello kitty fan. But to prove me wrong, you could turn up to the next law workshop wearing a fluoro pink hello kitty t shirt.. that would shut me quick smart.
by the way, i don't think the word verification thingos are anagrams. can you unscramble GKBOG???
Yes -
KGB OG. An agent of the KGB.
OK here's an open call to anyone who would like to assist me on my quest to prove my undying love of hello kitty. Although my xmas wish list is brimming with fun items like the hello kitty toaster I do not, as yet, own a fluoro pink hello kitty shirt. So if anyone owns one, bring it to the next law workshop and I'll wear it with pride.
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