Thursday, September 14, 2006

Forensic Felons Dictionary

ACHIEVEMENT (as in DAY OF...) (Rabone, 2006): The act of talking about getting something done in terms of essays, introduction section, method, results, discussion.
ALIOTA (Rabone, 2005): A person of special needs but who loves all things.
BLOWS (Leist & Caon, 2005): 1. Etymological origins of the word: To "blow chunks" is a serious description of two possible events. First - blowing chunks can describe an actual moment of vomiting. i.e., literally "blowing chunks". Secondly - when something really sucks you can say "it blows chunks". 2. Abbreviation: "Blows" - is the abbreviation of "Blow Chunks", so one can simply say, "that blows".
DING DONG DANG (Leist, 2005): The best place on Earth.
FABULOUS (Caon, 2005): It is never sarcastic, always positive and spoken from the heart.
FELONS (Leist, 2005): Forensic Masters Class of 2006.
FRENCH FRY (Barrett, 2005): The perfect partner in the budoir.
FROTTAGE (Barrett, 2006): Official Definition - Rubbing yourself against something or someone in order to achieve sexual gratification. Felons definition - A hilarious moment in Felons history.
FUNBAGS (Howard, 2006): We're not sure, but we know it's rude.
IS THAT WRONG? (Dekker, 2005): it?
LAMEASS (Caon, 2005): A person, incident or university requirement that makes your day a little less happy. Must be spoken with a furrowed brow.
LOCO (Howard & Dekker, 2006): We're not sure but it could be something like Wack. Please refer.
OVER IT (Caon, 2005): Over whatever it is.
PEEPS (Martin, 2005): People.
PROPS (Howard, 2006): Credit, Kudos.
RABBIT (Caon, 2005): Sweetheart of the felons.
RANDOM (Howard, 2005): Refers to people or moments that are indeed....random.
ROCK IN MY BOSOM (Leist, 2006): When someone rocks so hard that you feel it in your core, in your bosom. This phenomenon is unisexual.
TOTALLY (Caon, 2006): Spoken at high pitch with emphasis on the "O" and "EEEEE" which is the 'Y'. Change your pitch at each vowel for extra effect. Enthusiastic agreement with whatever someone else has said.
WACK (Howard & Dekker, 2005): It's crazy.
WHATEVS (Martin, 2005): Whatever.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loco is a Dekker-ism.

September 17, 2006 5:46 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so new rule.. if you visit the blog, you must comment on the blog. hey peeps! props for being loco and totally rocking in my bosom at the same time. this wack essay is a lameass piece of turd and it blows chunks. whatevs. my funbags and i are so up for a bit of frottage with a french fry. is that wrong? i long for days of fabulous achievement followed by nights at ding dong dang with the felons, including rabbit and aliota. and possibly some random. but for the moment i'm over it. and out.

September 17, 2006 9:08 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rubbish (Rabone, 2005): Usually used to describe an assignment on the verge of completion that is worthy of a DN...but the author thinks not.

September 19, 2006 2:40 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Correction: Rabbit is a Howard-ism.

September 28, 2006 9:21 pm  

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