Tuesday, August 29, 2006

anyone for a cider???

Hi girls and boy,

I will attending the cargo bar on satuday night with the infamous roxanne.
Would anyone like to come along and get pleasantly pissed??

Hope to see you there...
Emily xxx

Monday, August 21, 2006


Snuffy needs to be comforted because he feels he is just too big...Poor Aloysius Snuffelapagus...I know how he feels...

Anonymous Impassioned Speech

After doing about 15 pages from the law reading I got super agitated and bored. Surprisingly, I'm over it. So to procrastinate I googled and yahooed what Albert Einstein thought of reading and this is what I serendipitously found:

"Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking."
Albert Einstein
US (German-born) physicist (1879 - 1955)

And who am I to argue? Who are we to argue? Indeed, who is Prue Vines to argue? If we read too much, which undoubtedly would be the case were we to read the hectic, unconscionable (!), book Vines has assigned to our already, burdened and overwrought shoulders then our creativity will suffer. Our very imagination will shrivel. Imagining and creating is like jogging for the mind (not that I'm condoning physical exercise - ugh), it strengthens our cognitive capabilities. So by reading we are hindering this! Our minds will atrophy and soon we won't even be able to think! All that will pass through our minds will be legal drivel! Daily activities will fall by the wayside (wherever that is) as we forget how to think, and act. How will I make toast of a morning (as an aside I'm about to invest in a Hello Kitty toaster that imprints Hello Kitty's face on the toast)? How will I remember how to get to the pub (yes, straight after my toasty breakfast)?

O legal discipline and namely, Prue Vines - I beseech you - let me think, create, imagine...let me live!

Author - anonymous

Seargent Rabbit

Reporting for duty...

(I met a commando on the weekend, and he really can command!)

Over and out.

Victor Bravo... ummm, yeah

Joula says

People - I think we should organise an outing. Maybe post-the-next-workshop (but not necessarily on that thurs night). Seeing Tatty's friend James' band is one idea. Hitting up Ding Dong Dang afterwards is an extension of that idea. But of course we'd have to be roaringly drunk for that. Which I'm ok with. Surprisingly. Or we could have take away fish and chips with some wine (or beer) on some beach - due to such lovely weather. Then we could dissolve into debauchery and end up hitting up Ding Dong Dang. Your thoughts? Your ideas?

Sunday, August 20, 2006


This is one of Roxy's many admirers.

And as you can see they are having a ball.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

more felons a-drinking

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Corrupt Algebraically-Retarded Treasurer

I am LOVING being nominated as treasurer. Ever since the kooky adventures of those crazy kids in the Babysitters Club (a series of books which are literary masterpieces, on par with such masterpieces as The Iliad, Macbeth, Faust, War and Peace and Bridget Jones’ Diary) I’ve wanted to emulate blonde, funky, cool Manhattan girl Stacey – the treasurer of the Babysitters Club. So, fittingly, since I am blonde, funky and cool – I shall second the motion of my being treasurer.

Although there are some caveats to this appointment of which you should all be aware:
1. Said appointee can’t add or subtract.
2. Said appointee can’t multiply or divide either.
3. Said appointee likes her money where she can see it – hanging in her wardrobe (Sex and the City, 2002-ish).

In light of this information, the following conclusion arises: said appointee will make fiscal errors aplenty and will hang all monetary funds in wardrobe. For this she thanks you.
That last blog was me talking... Rabbit

Forensic Felons

Cool guys! This is great!
I think I've managed to work out how to coordinate this thing
(its a pity I didnt work out how to coordinate a smile in that photo)

secretary of state!

Alita is a frucking genius! if only y'all knew what it took to get this blog off the ground. endless hours in room 1114.. or is it 1114a.. whichever is next door to wherever karen salmon is lecturing. comprende?
This is your secretary speaking. Secretary of state baby. Think of me as a fusion of Madeleine Allbright and Condo-fucking-leezzaaaaa.
I am getting a bit hyped up (Alita you know what this means. and it's totally all your fault). blame the CEO!!!
I think we should play "gripe of the day". and also, we can post hilariously nostalgic glimpses down memory lane from the 1114 felons emails i have in my "psychos" folder.

for now i shall leave you with the mysterious image of the mystery 11th member of our class. or if they're not, they definitely should be!!
ciao genii

Photos of Just Some of the Felons From Tatts' Birthday

As self appointed CEO I would like to welcome all the felons to our (FABULOUS) forensic felons blog. The Felons secretary and censor listened intently to comments made by Rabbit Barrett suggesting a yearbook to celebrate our time together in the past, in the present, and to keep in touch for our futures. As soon as I work out how to include all team members into the blog - I ask you to join, post as many blogs and comments as your heart desires, give photos, tell gossip, bitch and moan and all those things we do so well together. Go the felons.

P.S. Feel free to appoint yourself a role within our organisation - wasn't Joula the treasurer?????

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Testing the felons blog page - this is CEO - Alita Caon

Tatty is a total lameass